Tricks To Tunes Cello Bk 1

Tricks To Tunes Cello Bk 1

Tricks To Tunes Cello Bk 3

Tricks To Tunes Cello Bk 3

Tricks To Tunes Cello Bk 2

5625 - Flying Strings
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Tricks for Tunes

Tricks for Tunes is a systematic method for group tuition of mixed string instruments, designed for use in Primary and Junior Schools, but is also suitable for individual use.

In each book, the student learns 'tricks' for their fingers or bows, which are fun when done in a group, and reading skills are developed at the same time. Each page represents a small step in musical and technical development based on reading music from the very first lesoons and there is some theory homework included at the end of most lessons.

The tutors for each instrument are identical in content except where differences are required to accommodate the different instruments.

Books 1 & 2 of the series are each intended to cover one year of group tuition, based on a school year of 40 weeks. Book 3 provides material for two years. Progress will vary according to the age of the children, the size of the group and the extent of their previous musical experience.

Additional repertoire at the end of the books provides:

  • extension work for pupils who reach the end of the book before the rest of the group
  • additional work for those who want it
  • end of year concert pieces

These tutors make playing music fun, as it should be!

Tricks for Tunes - Cello Book 2

Book 2 starts with the introduction of the notes on the G string. Next come sections on bowing starting with simple slurs, then cross string slurs, uneven bow distribution and stopped slurs. No new notes are introduced while slurs are being mastered allowing the pupil to learn one new concept at a time. F and C natural and the scale of C major are introduced followed by the notes on the C string. The book also covers dotted rhythms and 6/8 time.

More Information
Publisher Flying Strings
Alternative Titles Tricks to Tunes Cello Book 2- Audrey Akerman - FS028
Series Tricks for Tunes
Format Softcover/Spiral Bound